The Loan Process
Our documented loan process is based on our foundational principles of transforming women's lives in the most financially and socially vulnerable communities in Nicaragua and Ecuador, providing the resources to help facilitate the best outcomes. With training and compassion, we walk along side women when they are experiencing both success and challenges.
Identify Underserved Communities

We choose to go where others do not. Our Country Director and Executive Director identify underserved communities. Our primary role is to serve in economically deprived communities. These are typically communities that have little to no financial and social aid from government or NGOs. In these communities the daily wage is typically less than US$5 a day and can be less than US$1.25 a day, which is considered extreme poverty by the United Nations.
To be successful at forging strong community relationships, each community has a community leader who is responsible for building relations with local churches and social workers, as they manage the micro-loan process. They are also the catalyst for what make us so very different from other micro-finance charities:
they walk alongside each borrower offering support with both business and personal issues; and
they lead a weekly, 26 week training program designed to build confidence, personal worth and tools to build a strong, sustainable business.
Qualify Microloan Borrowers
We follow a well-documented process when qualifying each micro-loan application. Applicants qualify based on the following criteria:
Are living in economic conditions whereby their income cannot sustain their family's basic needs to live;
Have a business plan explaining their micro-enterprise and how they will repay the micro-loan
Have a commitment to abide by all regulations and procedures as outlined in the “Acceptance Agreement”
Have a commitment to a training program, one night per week for 26 weeks
Each loan application is reviewed by the Country Director, Community Leader and Executive Director. Loans are approved by the Executive Director or a Board approved designate.
Training: Transforming Lives

One of The Lending Journey's main goals is to help facilitate success in business AND personal growth.
Once a loan application is approved and funds dispersed, every micro-loan borrower must participate in a weekly, 26 week training course focused on building their businesses and building themselves. Our community leaders facilitate this course within each community.
This unique approach has been instrumental in transforming the lives of borrowers spiritually, emotionally and in their business.
Walking With Every Microloan Borrower
We are not a transactional micro-finance charity. What often distinguishes The Lending Journey's success is the person-to- person bond created with each borrower.
We understand that there are many unimaginable barriers that women and businesses face in economically and socially challenged communities. Even those women who have built a successful enterprise, face the same barriers every day. Our community leaders and local church network build personal relationships with each of our micro-loan borrowers and their families so that they can come to us for support when life happens. From connecting them with with social and spiritual help to additional support during a hard time, our community leaders are always there.

Our community leaders providing clothing to hurricane victims in Nicaragua.